How to Reset Windows 7 Password

Take Note of Windows 7 Drive Letter

-Replace drive letter E with your Windows 7 drive letter

To backup utilman.exe, run command:

copy e:\windows\system32\utilman.exe e:\

-Replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe

copy e:\windows\system32\cmd.exe e:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

-Click 'Restart' to reboot Windows

Reset User Password

-To reset user password (ex: administrator), run command:

net user administrator 1234

-Replace 1234 with your own password

-Login Windows with that user and the new password

Restore Utilman.exe

-You will need boot back into Windows 7 installation DVD

-Choose 'Next', then 'Repair your computer'

-Take note of Windows 7 drive letter where it's being install

-Select 'Command Prompt'

-To replace current utilman.exe with the backup in earlier step, run command:

copy e:\utilman.exe e:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

-Click 'Restart' to reboot Windows

In Windows, delete e:\utilman.exe (backup copy of utilman.exe we copy earlier to root drive)

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